How to Optimise your Pinterest Bio
If you’re looking to up your Pinterest game, you need to make sure your account is optimised to get the best results and get more views. Find out how to optimise your Pinterest bio by reading on!
This post was updated on 1 February 2024.
Your first job in making sure your Pinterest account is optimised should be to set up a business account. This gives you access to the all important analytics and advertising, should you wish. Why wouldn’t you want analytics though?
Add in your profile picture. If you have a personal brand, you may want to use a photo of you (think a professional head shot, not one from a night out 7 years ago). If you are a product based business, you may want to use your logo for this. I chose my logo – even though I’m just a one woman business at the moment, I don’t trade under my name so the logo works better.
Add in your Display Name. This should be your name or business name and a keyword that fits in with your niche, such as “Simple Neat Home | Decluttering Tips”. This will help you come up in searches so choose something relevant.
The “About your Profile” section is where you can elaborate a little on what you offer. Use keywords relating to your topic again. Think about how your clients would search for you. You could use the “I’m a ?? and I help ?? to gain ??” prompt.
Make your sure your website URL is typed in correctly! Another important thing to do is to claim your website. This will allow you to enable rich pins, if you want to. These little nuggets are organic pins which sync data direct from your website to your pins, increasing your engagement.
So there you go! A quick guide on how to optimise your Pinterest bio. It’s a quick and easy job to do, but will make such a difference to your traffic and engagement rates. Now the fun part – the pinning…!
If you need a hand with your Pinterest set up, please get in touch. Email me at jo (at) or use the Contact form above.
Come follow Wildflower Virtual Assistant on Pinterest.
Love the aesthetic on your Pinterest account! I agree with what you said, it’s such a simple process to optimize Pinterest bio and makes big a difference.
Thank you so much! It’s such an important step in getting the most out of Pinterest
I love your design aesthetics, and great tips.
Thank you, that’s so kind of you to say 🙂